Urgent: Help Purchase A School!

In my email this morning from Ken Rank:

Folks, forgive me for asking again, but I feel I should. Our congregation is looking to buy a surplus school that has been abandoned in our county in favor of larger in-town schools. This building would give us the opportunity to have the doors open every day and be able to hold seminars, conferences, offer classes in Hebrew, Koine Greek, Hermeneutics, Linguistics, Semiotics, early Hebrew culture, and more which are not generally taught to those within the faith.

The vision we have for this school is to provide a place that through on site teaching as well as through video and audio recordings made available to the masses (including live streams), we might present a balanced and reasoned approach to our walk. We understand that we cannot bring peace to anyone when we are divisive and without peace ourselves. We only have until Tuesday to place our bid, God has blessed us with many donations and we are close to the number we believe we need to secure this building for this use. We have already bid on it once, was the high (and only) bidder, but the bid was rejected for being too low. They have reopened the bidding and this is our last chance, we know the school board has received at least one other bid on the school. If you can see this vision as worthwhile, I am asking if you consider supporting it. We have created a 501C3 for the school (not the congregation) so any donation is tax deductible and NONE of us receive any financial compensation from our work. 100% of any money will go into the purchase of the building and its upkeep. Many blessings to you and thank you!

The information to donate is at the bottom of the attached story, which you might enjoy reading.

Again, thanks!

She Gave Him a Bag of Money, Eleeyah

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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3 Responses to Urgent: Help Purchase A School!

  1. boozerd says:

    Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a worthy cause. Maybe we’ll be looking for something like this here one day. If Yahweh tarries.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Help open the doors of Jefferson College at Pilot View!! | natsab

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