New page added: Recovering Pastors

In the wake of yesterday’s posting of Scott Hillman’s testimony and the extremely high number of hits it has received, I thought I should add a page to the blog that simply lists names and ministries of pastors who left the pulpit to pursue the truth of Torah.  Here it is: Recovering Pastors

As a recovering pastor myself, I know the transition from Church to Messianic faith, though Spirit led, can be a challenging trip.  This new page is meant to be a listing of many who have made the switch to a) lend credibility and b) act as a resource for others, pastors and non- who are being led into this deeper walk.

Please check it out and submit info to add to it.  I want it to be a looonnnggg page…  I know there are many, many pastors who have made this switch.

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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11 Responses to New page added: Recovering Pastors

  1. loammi says:

    I think Lex Meyer of was also AOG

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  2. loammi says:

    Also I believe this is Joel Osteen’s BIL who gave up his mega church and school to follow:


  3. Lee Lapp says:

    I am trying to recover as a “traditions of men” religion person…no one special, just a speck of dust on a human journey. That our Father loves me and has placed me on a different path than the one I was on is amazing to me…I am still learning and questioning and wondering. Pete, your blog posts always speak to me, thank you and God bless you and all your family. Think I need to fellowship with y’all on a more regular schedule 🙂


  4. Joab Perez says:

    I find this journey quite challenging and lonely I get sad but also comforted by the scriptures and the Set apart spirit, I live in Seattle,WA the lawless land of recklessness of the hipster

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Really glad you are posting a list of these pastors! I am encouraged by this. A great wave of Torah Ttuth is sweeping the world and America will be very touched by it. I’m seeing it in my small town of Corpus Christi TEXAS.
    Just one side note. ….since we know that Paul’s teachings/letters have done huge damage in getting people off track, as they are truly stumbling blocks, then why do so many messianic pastors try to ok his teaching against Torah and try to ok it? Yeshua warned us that the false tare words would remain till the end! And they sure have. Our Abba didn’t allow mixture then and He doesn’t allow it now. We had better be careful when we use Paul’s mixed teachings. I want nothing to do with stumbling blocks!. Thanks for your work…..keep it up


    • Pete Rambo says:

      Blessings, Cindy.

      Thank you for your comment. I apologize for being so slow adding it, but ironically it came as Jeremy and I were rethinking Paul, ourselves. We actually used a piece of your comment to demonstrate that many struggle over Paul.

      Hope you’ll take the time to read what we’ve written, and we have more thoughts on the matter… stay tuned.

      The current article is at

      Please share your thoughts. Blessings in Yeshua and Shalom!


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