Preparing to Return to Israel!

As if the last few months haven’t been busy enough, we have begun the process of planning a return trip to Israel.  Along with friends, we have booked plane reservations and have IMG_20150518_143948445 (1)rented a house just outside Jerusalem for Sukkot and will stay in Israel for the Second Bney Yosef Congress.

When we returned from our first trip last May, our boys met us at the door and said we could not go back without taking them.  As it stands, it looks like we are taking most of them with us this Fall, so now we begin to figure out what we want to see, where we all want to go and what events in the Old City that we want to attend.

At the top of our list is participating in the Parade of Nations in Jerusalem.  What makes this special event so exciting to look forward to is that dozens of friends will be there! I. CAN’T. WAIT!

We will be meeting, in their sukkahs, various Israeli friends that we have gotten to know over the last year.  I have questions to ask and am looking forward to wonderful interaction and fellowship with Judah.

This past weekend, Al and Char McCarn stayed here and we had a chance to throw out some ideas for places we would like to visit on the days we have time to tour.  Gamla, Masada, and various other battlefields are high on the list as well as parts of Northern Israel that we did not explore the last trip.  Honestly, there is so much it would take a lifetime to truly take in and understand, so, how to plan for about 10 days of touring??

I would encourage each of you to strongly consider being in Jerusalem for Sukkot this year!  It is striking me as something that will be very special.  Prophetic events are unfolding with increasing rapidity!

I would also ask for your prayers as we plan and prepare.  Taking most of the family is a bigger adventure than I have had in a while…

Instead of l’shana haba Yerushalayim, it is ‘this year (Sukkot) in Jerusalem!’

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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5 Responses to Preparing to Return to Israel!

  1. 2010mikaela says:

    I am soooooooooo happy with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue in Aqaba says:

    WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE!!!! Will send you our Israeli phone number and contact info when we get closer to the date. AWESOME NEWS!!!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ro Pinto says:

    Thrilled for you, Pete!

    I am also taking a group of friends this year. We thought about Sukkot, but I was there last year for half of the holiday, and I really missed my mishpocha. They would send me photos of them in my sukkah, and though I loved being in the Land, my heart longed for family. So this year, we are going right after the holidays, departing on my birthday in November! (What an awesome present!)

    We are staying for a little over two weeks. And even with that, there is so much to do, many of the things I wanted to do this trip are being put on the back burner.

    I don’t know if you followed some of my postings when I was there last year, but the best part of the trip for me was taking our time at the things we did see.

    You mentioned Masada – we spent an entire day on the mountaintop. Most tours only cover the northern portion. We wandered through the entire thing. There are southern palaces, a built in swimming pool, a huge cistern you can walk in (lots of steps) and more. Truly amazing.

    We also visited Tel Beer Sheva (about an hour and a half drive from Jerusalem) on our way to the Dead Sea region. Spent a few hours there as well.

    When in the north, we went up to Tel Dan. Lots of time exploring the ruins, nature, and seeing the city gate for the old Canaanite city that was visited by Abraham.

    If you get to Capernaum, be sure to spend a little time at the seashore. It’s a great place to connect with Abba, and it’s nice to get away from the tour groups for a time of reflection.

    I could go on and on, but the important thing is to take time to experience the place. So many tour companies rush you through so they can give you your money’s worth, but the heart’s cry is usually to just bask in His presence in His land. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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