A conversation with men, re: headship and women…

Among the great blessings in my life, as a result of pursuing and understanding God’s Creation Order, is a tight group of men that understand the Word and are willing to unflinchingly take a firm stand. These men are warriors who Elohim is using in their respective circles to bring hard truth to an upside down culture and Assembly.

We have a small text thread for discussion, prayer, mutual support, and general shenanigans of 30-60 year old boys.

I’d like to share the following discussion between a few of them from earlier today. There is much wisdom and great insight here that teaches me so much. I do have their permission as seen in the thread…

Men, as you read this, ask yourself if you have this caliber of man at your six. Are you seeking this type of fellowship and encouragement? Are you willing to speak truth boldly? Are you preparing your sons to be this type of man?

Women, is your fellowship being led by men like this? Are you encouraging your man to be such as these? If you are uncovered, are you asking the Father to lead you to such a man?

The restoration of kol Israel depends on men stepping into their role of leadership and women following. Here’s the conversation, please comment below.

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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9 Responses to A conversation with men, re: headship and women…

  1. Brian Somers says:

    That conversation blew my mind because I had no idea that kurios had the definition of ownership and I thought it meant lord or master!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. tastybiteweb says:

    I am single and have prayed for my future husband since I was a little girl. I’ve prayed to be a godly wife and the refinement is real. Haha

    This was a great perspective seeing it from men’s eyes. I liked the comment “too many queens”. That was the fall in genesis … the woman will want to rule over the husband damaging the order.

    This was a refreshing read. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ruth Washburn says:

    Although I believe in the Godly authority structure and that women should be “under” their husband’s authority, I feel it’s dangerous how many men tend to focus on the women being under them … opposed to focusing on their responsibility to be 100% sold out to Christ … loving and chasing after Him with all they are! It’s an unbalanced seesaw in many cases. When guys are doing their part as Godly leaders it seems the wife is much more prone to submit and follow … whether he’s informed her it’s her responsibility to or not 😀 I don’t know the group of your friends … they could be good examples of Godly men for all I know, and if that’s the case, awesome! It seems focusing on how to be servants to their Authority might be a more beneficial discussion though. There’s a broken world out there who needs to see love and more men living the truth (helping those in need, taking in the orphan, encouraging the weak, etc) … not just talking it as they try to make their wifes do whatever they want.


    • Pete Rambo says:

      Shalom, Ruth, and welcome.

      While this particular discussion was focused on headship and submission, I am blessed with men that are sold out to Messiah and seeing His Kingdom restored.

      Your insight us correct, each in Gid’s authority structure should be primarily focused on serving their master and everything falls into place.


  4. Ruth Washburn says:

    And for the record – incase other single ladies stumbled over this post like I did – there is ZERO shame in being single! Not sure why Pete’s friend would come up with that, but as someone who could have been married multiple times but has never felt peace (yet), I say singleness is a gift and a blessing … a wonderful and a very fulfilling season to serve the Heavenly Father and others. I get to help people break free from a life of chains and I love my life! I’m not saying I couldn’t continue if I marry (I certain never intend to stop serving my Lord), but my responsibilities would likely diminish the available time I can put towards serving God now.
    For some, singleness last a short season, others longer, others it last their whole life. But there’s no shame whatsoever (unless of course you’re purposely outside of God’s will) in blooming where your loving Heavenly Father has called you to be!


    • Pete Rambo says:

      Regarding ‘ZERO shame’ in being uncovered, I would beg to differ. In fact, Scripture teaches that it is a reproach for a woman to be uncovered. That covering may be a father or son, but a single woman, not under the headship of a man is out of the place God designed her to be.



      • Ruth Washburn says:

        Thanks for trying to clarify, but your friend said “single” … that’s what I replied to. There is ZERO shame in being single … it’s a blessing and gift. If your friend meant to give “single” a different meaning by using it to describe someone without any authority over them/”uncovered”, then I would agree – we should all have some sort of Godly authority in our lives … that’s not the meaning of that word though, at least not for those of us living in the 21st century 😀


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