
In Genesis 30:17-18, Leah ascribes the blessing of a fifth son to God “because I gave my maid to my husband.” And she names her son, forever a tribe of Israel, Issachar, meaning ‘there is recompense.’ ‘Wages,’ from ‘sakar’ שְׂכָרִ֔ is the root of ‘Issachar’s’ name, יִשָּׂשכָֽר.

God doesn’t correct her, but gives her a sixth son!

Did God bless her because ‘I gave my maid to my husband?’ If so, then He approved of her action. There is precisely zero evidence anywhere in Scripture that Leah did wrong or that God in anyway disproved of her action. In fact, if it is God who opens and closes wombs, then we can safely understand that God closed Rachel’s womb precisely to create the situation wherein the nation of Israel has four mothers, Jcob’s four wives.

The point: It is time for Hebrew roots teachers and Torahkeepers to honestly evaluate the Scriptures and cease to denigrate God, the Patriarchs, and righteous men and women who choose a Biblically legitimate and righteous family structure other than monogamy.

I’ll close with a difficult statement.

I will state that there is no case, NO CASE, against polygyny anywhere in Scripture. Therefore, when a ‘Torah teacher’ or ‘Bible teacher’ takes a stand against, it is an immediate red flag regarding their credibility. Either, they have not studied the subject and are simply relying on millennia of false religious doctrines, or they have studied and are more concerned with public opinion than the facts from Scripture.

Get the truth because this is a sifting mechanism that God is using to sort His people.

Who is on the Lord’s side?

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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8 Responses to “…because…”

  1. Daniel says:

    This doesn’t mean we are to sell out more wives, does it?
    Elohim made man and woman and made them one.
    Isn’t it the ‘best case’ scenario?


    • Pete Rambo says:

      Shalom, Daniel.


      I have no idea what your first sentence means or imolies.

      Elohim’s ‘best case scenario’ is that women are covered and men are covenant keepers. Nowhere ever does God voice an ‘ideal’ or a command limiting man. In fact, in cases such a levirate, it is commanded.

      Christendom creates an ideal from a verse that is neither a command, nor treated with a balanced hermeneutic, else we’d be naked and unashamed…

      I recommend studying the whole of Scripture paying attention to commands that regulate the practice as well as all the righteous men listed in Hebrews 11. Another paradigm shifter is 2 Chr. 24:2-3, 15-16.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Robin Hardman says:

    As strange as it may sound to us today, I think you are right on. I think Leah knew full well that the Father had actually REWARDED her for her act of selflessness.By the giving of her handmaid to build up the name of her husband through more offspring, she was personally blessed! Is Yah bipolar? I think not…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Shaul says:

    Very well said Pete….I fear the glossing over of some scripture in order to gain the support of this present immoral society…its either all of the scripture or im out of here

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Two-House Theology and Unpleasant Truth | natsab

  5. Pingback: Questions Christendom can’t (or won’t) answer re: marriage… | natsab

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