Are Food Shortages Coming?

empty shelvesMany laughed and shook their heads in amazement when store shelves were stripped of toilet paper near the beginning of the Coronavirus scare, but the next round of shortages may not be so funny.

Warning bells are sounding with increasing frequency that food shortages may be on the way due to business shutdowns, glitches in the processing or transportation of food, as well as the outright destruction of crops and herds for various reasons, real or imagined.  Many cattle farmers in the US are reportedly being ordered to reduce herd size because of processing plant shutdowns, while hog farmers in the Midwest were slaughtering and destroying more than 20,000 hogs per day due to the closure of just several mammoth processing plants.

Even the UN is warning that food shortages are on the way, while food is being stripped from the shelves in many countries and one has only to visit the local grocery to witness that selections are significantly reduced.

I could again point to the potential that we may be seeing the four horsemen riding, but more important than sitting in front of your computer reading speculation, strongly encourage each reader to take measurable steps toward food security!!  GO PLANT A GARDEN! Learn to make/bake bread. Raise your own chickens, etc…  The time is right now!  In the northern hemisphere, it is planting time.  If you delay and indeed these warnings are true and accelerate, it will be mid-late summer and the opportunity to plant will be gone for eight long months.

For those who live in the city, maybe apartment complexes, etc…  Get creative.  Start an indoor or window garden.  Even Yeshua started with five loaves and two fish!! Ignoring the warning and then holding your hand out is extremely problematic.

Other options in the city include buying and storing bulk grains or beans…  Cheap (while you can get it) and long lasting if stored properly…  Consider restaurant supply stores where you can pay cash for a 25lb or 50lb bags of rice, beans, sugar, salt, etc…  Be wise, but store up a little while you can! Buy extra canned goods to put on a closet shelf.

Proverbs 27:12 A prudent man sees evil and hides himself,
The naive proceed and pay the penalty.

Do not react out of fear, but do not sit on your hands and do nothing, either!!  This is a time to seek the Father and be prudent.  There is a very real possibility that global depression and possibly food shortages will be coming!! Prepare while you can.

A final note: There are other types of preparation I have recommended, here and here

And, peace comes through Messiah Yeshua and being obedient to His commandments!!

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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4 Responses to Are Food Shortages Coming?

  1. Robin Hardman says:

    Shopping for dairy heifers as I write…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. grainfields says:

    I am inspired to plant more food! Thanks for the great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Shaul says:

    Working hard so we might have plenty to share if need be…it gets us in shape mentally, physically and spiritually

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Coronavirus and the Mark of the Beast | natsab

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