BYNA Summit 2017: Just 5 weeks away…

I am excited about the upcoming B’ney Yosef Summit in Mesa, AZ, and not just because I expect the weather to be considerably warmer than the 15ºF I woke to this morning.  I am excited to meet others with the same vision for connecting and equipping the thousands and thousands in North America who are awakening to Torah and what it means to be grafted into the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).

summit-2017-ad-6As we continue to plan the Summit, we are focusing on three major points, each of which I will talk about in more detail in the coming days.  Specifically, they are:

  • Experience the Family
  • Equip Leaders
  • Establish the Foundation

I can not explain or in any way adequately convey how important and rich it is to spend time face to face with others of like mind.  The First Congress in Israel was amazing and hugely impactful for all in attendance and it was due more to the conversations and connections than the speakers and topics discussed.  Exactly the same occurred with the first Summit last year in St. Petersburg, FL and again at the Second Congress in Ariel, Israel.  The personal connections and interactions are priceless and worth the effort if you get nothing else out of the Summit…  but, there is so much more!!

Prayerfully consider coming to experience the family!!  I look forward to meeting you and talking as we consider what the Father would have us doing for kol Israel and His glory!

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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2 Responses to BYNA Summit 2017: Just 5 weeks away…

  1. Mo Dardinger says:

    I don’t see here or on the BYNA site the information that I need about this Summit gathering near me. By the term “Summit,” do you mean it is for the leaders of the movement? For planning the future of the movement? Or is it directed at members of the movement? Will there be teaching sessions? If so, who will speak and what will their topics be?


    • Pete Rambo says:



      In several previous posts, I gave other details that are pertinent. Apologies for not appending a link or two. Here is a recent post that has more info. There are other posts to go back to, as well.

      We desire grassroots people who are interested in learning more and potentially helping. At this point, most all participants are not ‘big name’ teachers/personalities. It is men and women who believe Abba has called them to step up and be intentional about building bridges and connecting/gathering Bney Yosef. The answers to all of your questions are ‘yes’ except the last question, addressed by the link.

      Pray, if you feel Abba’s leading, be there. I look forward to meeting you.

      Shavua tov!!


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