More than just the dry bones of Ezekiel coming alive!!

Over the last year, I have been a witness to and a part of seeing the dry bones, spoken of by Ezekiel the prophet ( ch. 37 ) begin to come to life.  Indeed, there is much much more that I haven’t seen, but even my small glimpse through BYNA and the increasingly obvious second stick has been amazing.

Well, today, I read a couple articles indicating the fulfillment of another end times Ezekiel prophecy beginning to take place.  Breaking Israel News has had several astounding articles about parts of the Dead Sea suddenly teeming with life in, get this, FRESH WATER pools!!

We visited the eastern shore of the Dead Sea last year and I can tell you, it is starkly beautiful and far too salty to sustain life, yet….  Breaking Israel News tells the rest of the story in the following three articles:

Fulfillment of the Dead Sea Prophecy has begun!

The woman behind the viral Dead Sea Prophecy coming to life!

What do fish, bread and the Dead Sea Prophecy have in common?  You might be surprised.

Enjoy!!  Even as we watch the craziness of the world increase, it is clear that our King is not just paralleling, but running ahead of the adversary…  So incredibly exciting to be alive right now!

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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1 Response to More than just the dry bones of Ezekiel coming alive!!

  1. Lee Lapp says:

    I watched a youtube video on this subject yesterday…fascinating, exciting and makes my heart happy.

    Liked by 1 person

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