Shema at Bney Yosef National Shabbat (and, more!)

Yesterday was an AMAZING day!!

Since the Bney Yosef Congress in May, 2015, much has been happening along multiple fronts.  One of those avenues in the US is the implementation of an idea by Tzefanyah Pappas.  Essentially, as we see multitudes beginning to come out of the church and begin to walk in the Father’s Ways, the ancient paths spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet (6:16-19), cloistering has occurred among congregations and fellowships.  In an effort to build bridges and break down barriers to developing a national identity and cohesion, he began hosting a once a month Shabbat gathering called the Bney Yosef National Shabbat.

His hope (our’s as well) is that the concept will catch on across the planet such that regional gatherings will begin to occur among fellowships, congregations and home groups to build unity and demolish the divisions caused by minor doctrinal distinctions.  (More on the National Shabbat concept in the next couple days.)  At our national Shabbat gatherings we do not discuss points of division, but commit ourselves to prayer, worship and fellowship.   Let Abba by His Ruach (Spirit) work out the details!

This Shabbat there were families from Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee representing many diverse groups and congregations.  We led off with the Shema, as witnessed in the video above, and then a local worship team led off with multiple songs before James Block blessed us with an incredible time of music ministry.

Four hours each way seemed a long drive, but we would pay that price again in a heartbeat!!  Our prayer is that we can begin to duplicate in SC among the many congregations here and that we would see the same happen across the country and planet.

More in the next day or so, including complete video of James Block, the dancing and sweet, sweet worship.


About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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3 Responses to Shema at Bney Yosef National Shabbat (and, more!)

  1. Tommy Wilson says:

    What an absolutely awesome time! The simplicity of just praise, worship and fellowship was profound!! Personally, I was content and glad there was no teaching, and hope it stays that way! My favorite part was meeting new friends (I’m sorry I meant new family members!) and dancing! James Block took several of us to places of joy and praise not experienced before! I shared with Dorothy that it was just a TASTE of what it will be like in His Kingdom! What a blessing for us to also celebrate our 4th Anniversary! Shalom and Blessings! :0)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: National Shabbat (videos…) | natsab

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