Christendom is waking up…. And, more.

This last week has been an interesting one as we see prophecy accelerating.  Multiple articles and related visions have been passed along to me, so, here are four ‘must reads’ for you.  I’ll include a note or two with each hotlinked headline.

Mike shared this link from Charisma News:

Holy Spirit Shift: Christians and Jews Reunited After 2,000 Years

Messianic-churchesInteresting article, and while I do not agree with some of the author’s viewpoint (we have refuted bilateral ecclesiology on this blog multiple times and ways), it is clear that more and more people across Christendom are asking the right very hard questions.  Have we inherited traditions from our fathers that have no basis in Scripture?  What was the actual practice of the ‘church’ in Acts?  ect…  A paradigm-shift is in the works.  Buckle your seatbelt!!

Mike also sent this terrific short article with attendant comments:

From Israel Today:

COMMENTARY: Do You Have to be Jewish to be Israel?

It is becoming increasingly clear that Abba is doing something amazing in our day.  The conversation concerning the Hebrew/Jewish roots of Christendom is fast becoming a mainstream topic worthy of honest discussion!!  Buckle up and learn so you can share with others who are awakening to the truth.

Sis Loammi sent this very interesting article with serious implications both physically and spiritually…

From Breaking Israel News:

BIN EXCLUSIVE: Sanhedrin Passes Judgement Against Pope Francis, Obama on Mt. Zion

We both found this article interesting on several levels.

-First, that a Sanhedrin exists is intriguing.  It may be self appointed, but appears to have a major spine which will gain it respect, and appears to have few detractors…

-Second, that they lump Obama and Pope Francis together as bad guys just before their joint Washington DC and UN appearances is fascinating.  Prophetic?

Prayer warrior and friend, Tehillim18 (Psalm 18) sent this email earlier in the week referencing events in the epicenter as well as a news article:

This evening as I stood at the kitchen sink preparing supper I heard a distant rumble of thunder. I asked aloud as I gazed outside to see a very cloudy sky, “Was THAT thunder?”

I asked because Tamara was sitting at the computer, and if she heard it also, I wanted to be sure she was warned that the computer would need to SOON be shut down and unplugged to avoid any possible lightening damage to it. But Tamara replied, “I don’t know. I didn’t hear anything.”

I heard it two more times, and then Tamara said, “Oh my goodness!!” I asked, “What is it?”

“Listen to this!”, she said. “Just as you asked ‘Was That thunder?’ I was pulling up this article from Israel Breaking News telling about a sand storm in the Land for the last two days, and the first thing I see is this Scripture,“Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, the thunderings of His Pavilion?” Job 36:29

Then she went on to read more of the article sharing as she read. She came to an aerial view of the sandstorm and called me to the computer to look at what she was seeing. “Do you see anything in this picture? she asked….cuz I think I see a man!!:

Yes, I saw it immediately….

After Tamara finished reading the article she said, “I wonder what this means….the sand storm….”

I said, “Abba said He would send signs in the Heaven above and on the earth beneath… I see it as a WARNING. The sands are storming from Iraq and Syria. What do you have in those places? You have isis sweeping through Iraq like a storm, and in the area of Golan Heights, which was considered part of Syria until 1967, and which Syria insists on the return of as part of any peace agreement. There you have the fortress of Nimrod and the tomb of Og of Bashan.”

When I mentioned these things to Tamara, Abba brought to my remembrance a Word that He’d spoken to me some years ago with these Words: “I’m sending the storms…” I knew I had to look it up and re-read it. To my amazement it is a YAH-mazingly timely Word for NOW that also has key words that confirmed this conversation between Tamara and I—words like: STORM; THUNDER; WARNING; SIGNS; etc….AND SAND!!

Please view this article at the link below FIRST, and see if you see the man, too, and THEN, read the Word below that Abba brought to my remembrance. He gave me this Word seven years and 7 years and 4 months ago…..(in the Shmita year just prior to this one).

Epic Sandstorm of Biblical Proportions Hits Israel

Just FYI Info from:

In the Golan Heights: The Nimrod Fortress or Nimrod Castle is a medieval Muslim castle situated on the southern slopes of Mount Hermon.

Rogem Hiri: Suggestions include that it was a defensive complex, a burial complex, an astronomical observation center, or the tomb of Og, giant king of Bashan (Deut 3:11)

Message From YHWH 2/15/Yah’s Year  (5/2/2007)

“I am sending the storms—the storms of warning to My people to thunder out warning like a Mighty Voice in the night watches; to proclaim that My judgment is nearto come; to say to those who are sleeping—WAKE UP!!! ARISE! SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING AROUND YOU!!

See the signs of the time. The time of return and the time of judgment and wrathful vengeance toward those who would walk in unbelief and the perversions of their flesh and fleshly minds.

Where are My people who say they know Me?—Who proclaim with their mouths that they know Me?

Where is their faith? What is their trust in?

It is in themselves and in the frail, failing, fleeting things of THIS life that holds no power to save or redeem.

There are governments and authorities many—but who can save any?

What will come of these? Where will they end up and of what authority do they move?

When the props are removed they will crumble for they are built on sinking sand of words of men, flatteries, false hopes, and riches of this life that will perish for I have already spoken it.

A new realm for My people who will believe and trust wholly in ME.

I am Elohim, and there is none other.

Believe it, and receive the reward of those who remain faithful to the end—of their lives—of this life.

I am coming to show and to teach you—stay alert to My Word and My Ways.

Continue to seek Me for the direction that is needed in this hour. I am with those who will humble themselves to Me and seek Me diligently—with all their hearts—for My Instruction and for My Will. I love My beloved and laid down My life for her.”


There have been other links and articles, but these are four I had to share…  All very interesting.

Please add your thoughts and share this information with a friend.  Messiah is coming.  The signs are everywhere!

Shabbat shalom,





About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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3 Responses to Christendom is waking up…. And, more.

  1. Dean Hwkins says:

    Pete I must say that this teaching has enlightened me so much. I am somewhat of a history buff , and I enjoy reading about interesting things and people. With what I got from my reading this teaching I consider myself to be more understanding of the word of our Father YHWH. Thank you and Shalom.

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