Sunday School, P20, Report on Israel Trip and B’ney Yosef Congress

This past Sunday, I again was blessed to be with a Sunday School class at Lexington Baptist Church.  We deviated from the series we have been exploring so that I could report on my recent trip to Israel and the First B’ney Yosef National Congress.

Links mentioned:

Kol Yehuda, Hanoch Young

Joined to Hashem, Mikell Clayton

Shorashim Biblical Shop

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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14 Responses to Sunday School, P20, Report on Israel Trip and B’ney Yosef Congress

  1. Mary Ellen Picchi says:

    Thanks…this will be a gem to share with others to encourage them on their journey home to the ancient paths & the heart of Abba. Yah is truly connecting His children for His namesake & esteem! Glad tidings!!!
    Mary Ellen

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary Ellen Picchi says:

    Dear Pete,
    I would like to recommend books by my dear friend Stephen Spykerman. They are written with great heart & clarity. They are: “Christians & Jews The Two Faces of Israrl”, “the Covenant of Death”, and the two volume set ” A Game Changing Revelation”…the hidden ancestry of America & Great Britain. They are wonderful resources & witnessing tools. You can also find Stephen on You Tube & a great interview recently done on


  3. Kefa, That was awesome. You sang the Aharonic benediction beautifully!


  4. Pingback: First B’ney Yosef (Sons of Joseph) National Congress Report | The Barking Fox

  5. Laura Jar says:

    Great report, Pete. I am passing it on. Todah Rabah.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Shooting Ourselves in the Foot…. | natsab

  7. Pingback: Shooting Ourselves in the Foot…. | The Barking Fox

  8. Pingback: The Complete Lexington Baptist Sunday School Collection | natsab

  9. Janice says:

    The call of Abraham was to leave all behind and follow. Why SUNDAY SCHOOL and BAPTIST Church? – are we taking that into the land? Perhaps you are just meeting in a church building, and it happened to be Sun god day? Just wondering about a seemingly glaring contradiction

    There was also a time when Judah was under attack, the Judah asked Ephraim to come help them fight the battle and Ephraim turned their backs and refused to defend their brothers spilled blood. How does that play out in history? Spain, Portugal, England and so on.

    Is the group claiming some authority to be able to make repentance for all Ephramites, even those who know nothing of the Congress? Or will we have to do so again? Is a nice beginning for discussion.


    • Pete Rambo says:

      Welcome, Janice.

      You may want to go back and see the whole Sunday School series. IN the first one or two I posts here I explain why I was there and how it came about. 😉




  10. Janice says:

    I would ask Hanoch about using the supposed name of Yah. This is not His nickname, that we are somehow buddy, buddys, is name of the Greatest King, the Highest authority. When you see it in scripture; it is about literary style the poems/psalms of Israel are more concerned about meter (rythum) and not ryming words. So using Yah, is about shortening the name for the purpose of metor or rythum use of sylables. Using Yah seems to be highly disrespectful and it is only 1/2 the meaning of His name.


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