Sunday School, P.3 Angel of the Lord cont.

This week in Sunday school we had an abbreviated class.  Many in the class are members of the choir, so the two service schedule as well as length of services affects our class.  Interestingly, I came prepared for a shorter lesson and some questions and answers (which we did not get to) so it all worked out.

The class seems to average around 35, though last week was a ‘full house’ approaching 45 or 50.  The congregation itself, I would estimate, in the 2500 range.  BIG church in my experience.  So, this is a considerable witness opportunity to the Hebraic roots of our faith and the connectedness/wholeness of Scripture and the significance of the Torah in the life of the believer.  Keep me/us in prayer.

Following is the recording of this week’s lesson as we wrap up the Angel of the Lord segments.  I did notice as I went back and listened that I made a couple very small foibles as I felt rushed by the shortened time slot.  Nothing major, but the discerning ear may catch them…  Also, in the recording, I mention a teaching on YouTube that included a segment about the Messiah’s name, ‘Wonderful.’  That link is provided below as well.


About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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6 Responses to Sunday School, P.3 Angel of the Lord cont.

  1. Sue in NC says:

    Your presentation was wonderful – got some great stuff out of that. And thanks for posting Mr. Burton’s talk – powerful stuff there. Gonna have to listen again to BOTH of you!!! Shalom and thanks


    • Pete Rambo says:

      Thanks for the compliments. I LOVE teaching. The personal/audio medium is my favorite over writing.

      Hope you caught the previous session where the An gel of the Lord material was introduced with the Genesis and Exodus passages.


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