REVIVE2014 Highlight reel…

Just found this fast paced recap of the excitement and people at Revive2014…

About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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4 Responses to REVIVE2014 Highlight reel…

  1. Awesome Pete… I have such a yearning to get this COVENANT revelation to our brothers and sisters in Mashiach. The RIGHTLY dividing point of scripture — The garden to New Jerusalem… COVENANT (8 covenants, 4 blood covenants) ties it all together. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Steven says:

    Wow, looks so awesome!!!


    • Pete Rambo says:

      We had a great time and learned a TON! The highlights make the event look really big, but there were actually only 600 or 700 people there… Fairly small, so it was easy to get face time with the speakers and build relationships with a few people we met.


  3. Rob Jo-Ann says:

    Love it, looks like it was such fun!


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