eHow to pray for the (errant) Messianic

Do you have an errant Messianic or Hebrew roots person in your life that you pray for?  Well, here is exactly how you can pray for them!!  I think I can promise you, with full assurance, that God will answer this prayer!!prayer_requests2

First, a little background.

I am one of those who Christendom perceives to be errant, so, feel free to pray this very prayer for me as well…  I try to the best of my abilities and by the leading of the Spirit to be obedient to God’s ways as expressed in the Torah.  I also firmly hold to my faith in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.  By traditional Christendom I am at best, confused and at worst, LOST!  So, if you pray this for me, I will not be offended!  In fact, I will thank you!

Here is the deal.  A couple weeks ago, someone wrote me asking for help with a passage from 2 Corinthians 3 about the veil of Moses and the hardening of hearts and minds.  I sent him a few pages concerning this passage from JK McKee’s The New Testament Validates Torah ( 2 Cor 3 by JK McKee ).  Then, this morning, I read an excellent post on The Barking Fox which again discusses this very passage while commenting on a short teaching video about the Veil by 119 Ministries.

And, the combination of it all got me thinking…  Here is how you can pray for me and any other errant Messianic:

  • Do NOT pray that they see things the way you do!  You may not be exactly right.
  • DO pray that any veil, blindness or dullness be removed that they understand the fullness of Truth and Scripture!
  • DO pray EXACTLY the same prayer for yourself with an open heart.  (This is very important!)

I think that we can agree that our Father desires that we walk in fulness of Truth, and we can probably agree that none of us has all the answers perfectly.  That said, if we honestly and humbly come before Him on behalf of our brothers and ourselves, NOT asking that He make them think like ourselves, but rather that He bring BOTH of us to the center of Truth, then we are praying rightly for our brothers!!

That is how you pray for the Messianic/Hebrew roots (nut case) in your life.  I.e., let the Father sort it out, not by making them like you, but by leading each of us in ALL truth.

If this has challenged or blessed you, please like/share for others to see.


About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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8 Responses to eHow to pray for the (errant) Messianic

  1. Jack Jackson says:

    Pete, the last couple days we have been at a larger garden show selling our “stuff” and being able to talk with many many folks about the things of Elohiem. It never seems to amaze me how people will ask for prayer “to keep them from a particular sin”. I always say “No!” I won’t pray that He keep your from that; however, I can and will pray “That He show you how He views that sin so you will no longer even want to do it”. The dog returns to his vomit because it still appears to it to be good food.

    I pray for YHVH to continue to bring me (and His people) to His truth, knowing that anything else is “not truth” and therefore a lie. The hard part is trying to get there without compromising with the lies which are the mixing of Babylon, which we are called out of. There is danger on both sides of that walk: compromise on one side and pride that we are the only ones that have it right on the side; yet, both are equally dangerous. Maybe that is why we see so many warnings that the road that leads to life is narrow and few there be that find it.


  2. bornfromabovenotofthisworld says:

    Reblogged this on Born From Above and commented:
    AGREED 🙂


  3. Luis Garcia says:

    Hey Pete,
    I enjoyed your post! That has been my prayer with my own family that we all would be on His page and not mine. I am always asking Abba to show me I am wrong or if I have any pride in my heart. My prayer is to have a humble heart and be compassionate to those that don’t understand and have layers of doctrines of men that need to be peeled off layer by layer. Blessings to you!


  4. “That is how you pray for the Messianic/Hebrew roots (nut case) in your life. I.e., let the Father sort it out, not by making them like you, but by leading each of us in ALL truth.

    What great advice coming from a good and kind heart. I admit that being married to a Jew, I have a very different perspective from most I interact with in the Christian world, the Jewish world, and even the inbetweeners– i.e., the messianic world.

    I also admit I’ve never spent any time in the Hebrew Roots, Ephramite, or 2 House worlds and don’t understand them much at all (again because I had different fishy’s to fry due to my situation, and I’d never even heard of them anyway). What little I do know about them can be troubling, and sometimes seem like replacement theology on steroids.

    I’m also not interested (perhaps I’m naive) in testing everyones theology to see where they stand. Rather, like you, I want God’s truth revealed to all of His servants, me included. What I believe without a doubt is that He is Holy and good! And the distinction He created is also holy, good and VITAL!

    Unfortunately, replacement theology has “done us wrong” and there is a huge learning curve, so I think grace is order as we all learn and reconsider who is who and what is what–we’re in recovery!


  5. K. Gallagher says:

    Reblogged this on GRACE in TORAH and commented:
    This is some sound advice and wise counsel from Pete Rambo. It’s not about praying, wishing, or hoping, that someone else will think exactly like we do (we can be WRONG!), it’s about truth and scales being removed from our and their eyes.

    This is a cry proclaimed in humility and submission to the King of Truth, and not of the nephesh (flesh). For as one of Pete’s commenter’s mentioned, the Way is narrow; on one side there is PRIDE (flesh) and on the other is compromise (more flesh). May we be a people that offers our incense (prayers) for others and ourselves with Holy Fire and not the strange fiery heat of the nephesh (flesh).


  6. Thank you for this! I was called a heretic recently & the woman (a friend of 5 years) said she would pray for me & heretical ways. I thanked her for her prayers & she cut off all contact with me, even on social media.

    I’m definitely going to share this!


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