How cool is this??

Judah Gabriel Himango over at Kineti L’Tziyon is a software writer and has just started a WAY cool project that will be most helpful as it comes together!! He gives the details in his post titled Introducing – Rebooting the Greatest Commandments Project.

image[34]The ‘skinny,’ to quote an old Company Commander, is that he is putting together an interactive ‘map’ of all the mitzvot, the commandments with related Scriptures, and demonstrating positive or negative command as well as connectivity.

I recommend bookmarking and swinging by for a look as this project unfolds because it has much potential to be helpful in myriad ways!!


About Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!
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7 Responses to How cool is this??

  1. This is way cool. Love it!


  2. K. Gallagher says:

    This looks very cool! 🙂


  3. Aviyah says:

    That is great Pete! You know what I always wanted to invent? Some software that beautifully and interactively mapped out all of the chiastic structures, like topographical mountain ranges on your screen, from words and verses, to chapters, to books, to the entire volume of scripture! When we are in the mighty presence of the Lord, I pray He would equip my spirit to see EVERYthing that He has woven into His Living Word. Unfathomable…


  4. Where is the link? I would like to see more of that breakdown chart.


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